Why Is a Data Science Certification Crucial for You?


Data Science is fast becoming the most dynamic field in the technological world. New breakthroughs, innovations, and discoveries are being made in this field almost on an everyday basis. Technology is bringing about a revolution in almost every sector and industry in the world. As more and more businesses and organizations bring their operations onto a digital platform, they will produce more and more electronic data. It is through the power of data science that they will be able to transform these mounds of data into valuable assets for themselves. Due to this revolution, now all major companies are on the lookout for skilled and competent data scientists. Individuals around the world are recognizing this trend and are seeking to get data science certifications.

What will one gain by getting a data science certification?

  1. One will be able show one’s big interest and self-driven learner nature -

Getting a data science certification is not an easy task. One has to complete a data science certification training course and study the course curriculum for the stipulated time period thoroughly. One also has to submit surprise quizzes and complete assignments and capstone projects as a part of the course. So by completing a data science certification course an individual will be able to demonstrate that they have a serious interest in data science. They will also be able to demonstrate that they are willing to put in the effort it takes to learn about data science and bring their skills and knowledge up to date.

  1. One will get a large amount of credibility -

The job market today is full of unscrupulous elements who try to pass themselves off as skilled and competent data science professionals but lack the skills and knowledge required. They prepare resumes with false information and even provide false references in the job interviews. They are the bane of hiring managers around the world. So hiring managers feel a lot of relief when they see data science certification training listed on a candidate’s resume. They give that candidate first preference immediately, because that training is an authoritative sign of a candidate’s skills, knowledge, and experience. Thus a candidate gets a large amount of credibility from having completed a data science certification course.

  1. One will gain access to the most lucrative data science job roles in a company -

As data science becomes more and more popular, an increasing number of businesses and organizations are waking up to the fact that data is one of their most valuable assets. Due to this reason, the demand for data scientists among those companies is rising continuously and explosively. However, the number of professionals who are truly skilled and competent in the field of data science is much lower than the demand for them. This is why companies pay very high salaries to any skilled and competent data scientists that they are able to find. So, with data science training one will open up the doors to those highly paid data science job roles.

  1. One will increase their chances of being hired in any sector, industry, and domain 

Technology has made a big impact in all sectors, industries, and domains of the world. It is hard to find a company which has not made the shift to digital platforms and modern methods of conducting business. As a result, all these companies are generating piles upon piles of data on a daily basis. In order to utilize this data in a profitable way, all these companies require the aid of data scientists. So for a data scientist in this age, there will be no difficulty in finding employment in any sector, industry, or domain in the world. Some examples of industries which involve data science are – Retail, Medicine, Banking and Finance, Construction, Transportation, Communications, Media, and Entertainment, Education, Manufacturing and Natural Resources, Government, Energy and Utilities, and the Outsourcing industry. So for an individual who has completed a data science certification training course the field of opportunities is wide open.

  1. One will receive individual attention from the instructors of the course -

There are several options for learning about data science. One can join a college or a university for a 3 or 4 year degree program. One can join a bootcamp which typically lasts for a few weeks or at most a couple of months. Or one can enroll in an MOOC or a massive open online course. The problem with all of these options is that there will be many other learners along with an individual. So it will be very difficult to have instructors address their doubts and answer their questions in a dedicated and individual way. The instructors will be pressed for time because of having so many learners demand their attention and time. So they will not be able to take out the time to help an individual in a satisfactory manner. But in a data science certification course the individual will be able to contact the instructors for a personal doubt clearing session via video, call, email, or chat. This is the advantage of getting data science certification training.

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