Why Effective Stress Management is Key in HRM?


In today's world, most people are workaholics, which impacts their day-to-day life and, ultimately leads to stress. For an organization, it is important to ensure that their employees are not working in stressful conditions as it may affect the output of the organization as well as the employer's mental health. The HRM (Human Resources Management) is responsible for looking after the employer's well-being and creating a healthy, productive and positive work environment. In this post, the content mentioned will give you insights into why effective stress management is key in HRM and how stress can be overcome. Let's delve into it. 

What is HRM, and it's importance in stress management? 

HRM stands for Human Resource Management; as the name appears, the principal work of Human Resource Management is to manage the mission, vision, and goal of the company, and this can be accomplished by managing their employees. The main function of the Human Resource Management team is to recruit a deserving candidate as per the need of the post in a company, and train them so that the candidate can give their best results contributing to the benefit of the company.  

Why Effective Stress Management is Key in HRM

Immense workload, hectic deadlines, long hours, lack of support, and declining job satisfaction are some of the major reasons for the stress of an employee. To sort out all these causes, Human Resource Management comes into action and performs desirable steps so that employers can focus on their work without any struggle. HRM teams must involve themselves in clearing out the stress of an employee because it can enhance employee absenteeism and low productivity. Hence, it is crucial to discard the stress from the workplace and pivot to a happier and healthier workplace. 

What are the reasons for an employer's increased stress level?    

It is true that in today's era, employers are facing high levels of stress at their workplace; because of this, employers leave the job, or they do not appear productive at all. But it raises the question of where all this started. Feeling stressed is not a one-day process; it develops slowly, and one day, employee burnout.  For an HR, it is necessary to recognize the symptoms before the disease of stress spreads and kills the motivation of an employee to work in the company. In the following lines, some of the points have been given that can increase the stress of an employee: 

  • Work distribution: In a company where there is no balance in assigning the work, it can enhance the workload of an employee. After hitting the saturation point, the employee may get frustrated, resulting in high levels of stress. To reduce stress, an HR leader must keep an eye on whether the workload given to the employee is appropriate or it is surpassing the limit. 
  • No growth and development: Employee do not want to work for such a company where they do not see room for their growth and development. An employee getting deprived of professional growth in a company leading to reduced focus, and unequality productivity.  
  • Unavailability of the facilities for the fulfillment of the work: A company must offer mandatory resources to their employee so that the work can be finished in the given time. In the absence of desired facilities, employees can feel stressed, and this can hamper the productivity of the employee. 

What are the techniques to reduce the stress?   

After understanding the reasons behind the high level of stress of an employee, let's decode the points that  will give you a clear idea about what are the mandatory steps that can minimize the stress of an employee: 

  • Appreciation: Rewards and recognitions elevates the morale of an employee and they work hard to give their best to the company. In case, if company does not recognize or praises the effort of an emaployee then it can be the prime factor for an employee to feel stressed. Hence, HRM should provide rewards to their employee in order to appreciate their hardwork. 
  • Surveys: To get a clear picture of the stress level of an employee, occupying feedback from  the employee can be great. With the help of this feedback, HR leaders can undersatand the thinking of the employee and their views about the environment of the organization. To decrease the frustatration level of the employee HRM should conecrntrare on the root cause of the stress of an employee and generate real-time startegies to conquer this problem.  
  • Advantages: To maintain the job statisfaction of an employee companies should provide certain perks and benefits to their employee such as flexibility in the work hours, paid holidays, a few employee discount programs, and foremost a good work-life balance. It is said that if a employee is not happy they can't be productive at all. This can help in managing the worklife and reduce the stress.  
  • End of dispute: Conflict between employers can creat a mess at the workplace. This can cause a stressful condition in the company. To resolve the conflict HRM needs to communicate with both parties and try to acknowledge the perspective of both those are involved. For the transparency, HR leaders can conduct a one-on-one conversation to find out the stem of the issue. For the proper functioning of the team HRM should make right decision so that team harmony can be maintained.  
  • Improve work performance: To do so, the employee must recognize their flaws and acquire practices that can solve their weaknesses. HRM can encourage the employee to motivate themselves to become the best version of themselves by inculcating new ideas and bringing changes into their thought processes. 

There is a straight forward relationship between the productivity of an employee and stress. For a healthier professional life, stress management is a must. In any company, HRM has a pivotal role in managing the stress and enhancing the engagement of an employee.


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