What Jobs Can You Get In Cyber Security?


The need for businesses to stay ahead in the feud over digital security against cybercriminals has never been more critical than now. The pervasiveness and entrenchment of technological devices clubbed with the massive adoption of the internet by organizations across all industries has prompted the increasing need for cyber security professionals

Jobs in information security are expected to rise at a rate of 37 percent from 2012 to 2022, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which is substantially faster than the average for all occupations. Computer science jobs are already in high demand, but adding security to the mix makes them even more important and sought after.

Cybersecurity is a wide industry with many possible entrance points and career routes. Let us identify the various opportunities that the cyber security field after completing cyber security course offers and the indispensable skills needed for cyber security jobs in this post.

Skills Needed for Cybersecurity Jobs

The goal to mitigate and combat threats and attacks occurring in the digital expanse by employing several techniques and tools encompasses the field of Cyber security. These practices are engaged in order to protect and safeguard computer systems, networks, devices, and infrastructures of any organization or individual. Hence, the process entails utilizing modern techniques and solutions to be brought forth by expert professionals. 

A comprehensive combination of technical, professional, and functional abilities, as well as the specific cybersecurity skills and critical soft skills in demand by employers, will set you apart from the competition if you want to pursue a career in this industry. 

To help you have a better understanding of what it takes to be a professional in the cybersecurity area, we've compiled the crucial skills needed for cyber security, let us explore them below.

System Administration and Networking

Knowledge of networking is needed to understand the technical components of data transmission, which is necessary for securing data. Pursuing data science certifications in the Networking areas like CompTIA Security + and Cisco CCNA is the right trajectory. System administration is another key skill that will be beneficial as it comprises the prowess of setting up and keeping systems up to date. This also comes with the need to have the passion to discover and experiment with a system's capabilities and settings.

Command over Operating systems and virtual machines 

A cybersecurity specialist should be well-versed in operating systems like Mac OS, Windows, and  Linux. The job requires the potential to work on operating systems. The application of virtual machines is significant for learning and researching in a controlled environment further enhancing one's skills. Additionally, having mastery over Kali Linux would prove a plus point. It is used extensively for penetration testing or ethical hacking.

Controlling Network Security

Network security control can be referred to as the various procedures and techniques utilized to improve a network's security. Understanding how networks, routers, firewalls, and other devices operate is vital. Cyber security professionals use firewalls to filter and prevent illegal traffic from trespassing networks. Another key skill is to have familiarity with intrusion detection systems, intrusion prevention systems, virtual private networks (VPNs), and remote access.


Although not a major component, coding is a vital skill that cyber security prospective professionals should have to be familiar with. Not having a coding skill might narrow one's prospects in the field. Learning a few coding languages will be a massive boost. 

Cloud security

Organizations of this new world are on the hunt for experts on cloud platforms. Businesses across diverse sectors are adopting cloud infrastructure which has necessitated the implementation of technologies and solutions to protect cloud-based systems and devices. Cloud Security entails creating secure systems from the start. There is a massive demand for expertise in cloud platforms like Amazon web services, Microsoft Azure, and Google cloud platforms.

Additional Cybersecurity Knowledge and Skills

Let us also go over a list of additional talents that can assist you in breaking into the cybersecurity field:

Risk Analysis: Professionals in cybersecurity must be able to detect, manage, and mitigate risks. These skills are projected to see high demand in the near future. 

Information Security: Companies require qualified individuals who can secure their electronic data from unauthorized access in the means of information security.

Handling and Responding to Security Incidents: As a cybersecurity specialist, you must be prepared to manage any serious threat of a company's security policy being broken. You must identify, monitor, record, and analyze security threats in real-time with security incident management. You must also manage and evaluate security information and event management (SIEM) technologies and services as a security practitioner.

Security Audit: An internal security audit is performed to identify faults in an organization's information system. Because any overlooked area of regulatory compliance could result in major fines and penalties for the firm, security audit and compliance knowledge is quite important.

Laws and regulations: It is a major component of cybersecurity that is sometimes disregarded. You should be informed of a number of cybersecurity laws and regulations. These standards govern how individuals use the internet and protect them from becoming targets of cybercrime.

How to Get a Job in Cybersecurity?

Now that you have the grasp of the know-how required in securing cyber security jobs, let us move ahead with the ways and means of how to get a job in cyber security

Join a course 

The first and foremost step in fetching a cyber security job is to enroll in cyber security courses as it will train you best for securing a job in the field. These courses prepare students for professions in cyber security and are certified by major certification bodies and the government. Prospective professionals gain a thorough awareness of the cyber security landscape by pursuing training courses. Aspirants learn how to create and manage secure systems, as well as how to apply them strategically inside a company.

Look into other fields of study

Cyber security is more than just a set of technological skills. You'll be a significantly more effective cyber security professional if you understand psychology, economics, persuasive language, and data science. 

Read from books, blogs, and other resources 

To work in cyber security, you'll need to be conversant with cybernetics ideas, particularly as they apply to devise management and data analysis. Reading books on such concepts will enhance your skills and knowledge even more.

Take up Internships:

Internships are the major prepping and polishing of your skills and knowledge gained. You will get to employ your expertise practically and gain the nuances of working for real-world issues before you head on to a full-time job. Employers often look for those who have taken up internships as they come thoroughly prepared for the job.

Use the internet to hone your talents.

Many capture the flag games, such as cryptography, computer forensics (data analysis and recovery), and hacking, are accessible online to assist students to practise their cyber security skills. Take advantage of those online resources and hone your skills.

Best Jobs in Cybersecurity

Finally, we come to the most interesting part of this post on cyber security jobs- finding the best jobs in cyber security. Below we have listed the most in-demand and best jobs in cyber security with brief salary information of the respective posts. 

  • Cybersecurity Analyst with an average annual salary of USD 95,000
  • Cybersecurity Consultant with an average annual salary of USD 91,000
  • Cyber Security Manager or Administrator with an average annual salary of USD105,000
  • Software Developer/Engineer with an average annual salary of USD 110,140
  • Systems Engineer with an average annual salary of USD 90,920
  • Network Engineer/Architect with an average annual salary of USD 83,510
  • Vulnerability Analyst/Penetration Tester with an average annual salary of USD 103,000
  • Cyber Security Specialist / Technician with an average annual salary of USD 92,000
  • Incident Analyst / Responder with an average annual salary of USD 89,000

Aspirants can better plan their career path now that they know what skills are needed for cyber security jobs and the ideas on how to get a job in cyber security. Those in entry-level positions looking forward to advancing their careers must focus on upskilling and acquiring certifications that are necessary to land on high-level jobs.

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