Top 50 HR Interview Questions and Answers


Human resource management (HRM) is becoming an increasingly popular choice of career among young professionals. While pursuing a program is one thing, getting into the field is another wholly different experience, requiring aspirants to be highly competent. HR interview is one of the critical and tough stages to get through for embarking on your Human resource management journey. To help you with a robust preparation for your HR interview, here is a comprehensive guide of HR interview questions and answers. 

Traditional HR Interview Questions and Answers

hr interview questions and answers

  1. Tell us something briefly about yourself.

This question is often the opener to almost every interview. Ideally, the question is intended for you to warm up, as an icebreaker. You can answer by giving a brief outline of your educational background, skills and talents you possess and some of your key work experience if you have. Avoid going too much into the details but ensure giving the right amount of information to give the interviewers the impression that you could be a suitable fit.

  1. Share with us some of your biggest strengths.

Interviewers raise this question to assess your self-awareness and your capacity in relevance with the job you are applying for. To give an impressive answer, focus on relating the strengths that are useful for the job you are applying for. For instance, your problem-solving skills will prove relevant for a customer service job. You can go on and relate your time management or organizing skills. Make sure you focus on the skills that give you a competitive edge. But do not go overboard by speaking about skills that you do not actually possess. It's not necessary to list out several skills, but focusing on one or two and connecting them with the current job position will make more sense.


  1. What will you say are your weaknesses?

Again, this question is raised to cross-check your potential. The trick to answering this question is to state a weakness that is not relevant to the current job position you are applying for. Make sure you do not mention a weakness that contradicts the strengths you have claimed in your prior answer or that which you intend to proffer. Be careful that you don't mention a skill deficiency which is core to the role you are applying for. It is also vital that you also speak about the methods you employ to overcome the weakness.


  1. What is the method you employ for dealing with criticisms?

Interviewers often raise this question to check your attitude towards suggestions and feedback and the way you react to such comments. It's essential that you display your open-mindedness towards any suggestions and constructive criticisms. It would be folly of you to say you don't usually catch criticisms. Make sure you answer by giving a positive attitude and not be stuck with a stubborn idea. Show your willingness to learn from your limitations, display an openness to criticisms and that you are ready to take any input which will boost your growth.


  1. Tell us about the biggest achievement you have attained so far.

This is one of the most frequently asked HR interview questions. The question might sound banal yet the interviewers are looking for the points to assess your potential. You can give your answer by starting with the most recent achievement you have made. It's ideal that you put forth an achievement that is most relevant to the job position you are applying for.


  1. Tell us why you want to work for us.

This is another one of the most popular HR interview questions you will come across during your interview. Interviewers raise this question to ensure that the candidate has a thorough idea and knowledge of the job. It also helps them assess if the candidate has done his/ her homework about the organization, job position and prospective contribution to the company. Interviewers will have an idea about the candidate's knowledge of the company and their unique offerings. Make sure you provide your answer in a convincing manner, relating your work experience with the company's goals and values. You may add about your career goals that the company can facilitate. And most importantly, do your research about the company's profile, the role requirements and the position you are applying for. Speaking about the company's achievements will be an impressive note.


  1. Why do you think we should take you on board?

This question is raised to evaluate the candidate's suitability in the company and the position. Take this question very seriously as your answer could land you the job position you covet or could break the opportunity. It's crucial that you put extra effort and care into questions as this and ensure you give a fitting answer that will prove your calibre and suitability for the job position. You may add your potential and how well you can perform and prove yourself a positive addition to the company. Dilate on the right set of skills you possess that are highly relevant for the job roles and how these skills make you a unique candidate. The point is to prove yourself a suitable candidate who can add great value to the company with you getting onboard.


  1. Where do you see yourself in the next five to ten years?

Again, a question that sounds banal and very common even outside the interview. However, this is a very critical question that often breaks or makes your dream. The interviewer's intention of this question is to check the plan and commitment you would give if you were hired. They want to find out if you would stick around long enough, and how you envision your future goals in relation to the company's goals and visions.

Personally, you may have a bunch of plans and future goals and may be tempted to share them with the interviewers. The trick here, however, is to get the job you are applying for. Hence, it's ideal that you stick to the current offering and how you intend to grow along the path with the opportunity the company will offer. 

Behavioral-based HR Interview Questions and Answers

Interviewers focus on identifying your potential to handle various work situations where they will assess your capacities, skills, attitude and personality. Hence, you will be asked questions relating to a time and experience concerning certain events. It is advised that you frame your answers by referring to the situation, the tasks involved in solving issues, the actions taken to achieve the goals and the result of such a scenario. You must not exaggerate your answers and avoid bragging at all costs. 


  1. Let us consider a hypothetical question. What will you do and how will you handle the situation in the event of the priorities of the project suddenly getting change?

This kind of question is raised to gauge the candidate's attitude towards sudden changes in project plans and priorities. They assess the candidate's ability to tackle challenges concerning sudden changes, how well the candidate handles stress and brings about solutions to the problems. You can answer this question by relating your potential to handle stress and pressure. Avoid boasting and speak only about the things you are capable of. Make sure you do not speak about the frustration you felt during the situation. Focus on the actions you took. 


  1. Share with us about a time, where you were contended and happy with your work. How did you react?

Interviewers raise this question to learn your attitude towards success and what it means to you. This gives them a fair idea about your concerns for personal growth as well as of the company. 


  1. Did you experience any difficulty in your past projects? How did you cope with it?

This is a frequently raised question where interviewers are trying to assess what areas you find difficult or the things that you consider hard to work on and what measures you would employ to tackle the challenges. Make sure you focus on the problems you face during your project. Avoid bad-mouthing about any supervisor, colleague or company. Relate the cause of the issue and do not bring up personal issues. It's ideal for the candidate to focus on the lessons learned from such a problem instead of regretting and dwelling on it.


  1. Can you tell us about a time when you were in a disagreement with your manager and how did you handle the situation?


This question is asked to learn about how well you deal with situations when your managers or superiors are in disagreement with your ideas. Disagreements are bound to arise in a workplace where there is teamwork and collaborative work. Interviewers are only interested in knowing your capacity and attitude of handling disagreements and diverse opinions and how you maintain your relationship with your superiors. To give an impressive answer, focus on what the disagreement was about and how you overcame the issue. Speak more about the learning outcome and avoid speaking ill of your manager. 


  1. Has there been any experience or time in your career where you committed any mistakes? Share with us about your experience. 

This is a critical question that interviewers often raise to understand the kind of mistakes you made, and your approach towards it. They want to assess your calibre of performance if they hire you. Make sure you speak of a mistake where you were able to bring remedial solutions and rectify, which did not cause any critical damage to the company. Focus on the lesson you learned while working on rectifying the mistakes. Do not bring up any error or mistake that reflects a flaw in your personality and quality.

Opinion-based HR Interview Questions and Answers

  1. Imagine a situation where you are required to lie for the company, what will you do under such circumstances?

This question may not be the most common, however, there are times when interviewers want to check your integrity. To answer such questions, one must be diplomatic. You may say honesty is your foremost principle and that your willingness to lie about the company will depend on the circumstance and outcome of such action. Candidates may consider answering like this - If the situation is such that the lie will not jeopardise the company or anyone and will generate a positive outcome, taking part in a lie could be an option.  However, you must add that it is much against your integrity. 


  1. Think of a situation where you have a bad boss. What would you do under such circumstances?

Interviewers raise this question to identify your coping mechanism and how well you deal with diverse mindsets, beliefs and ideologies. Answering this question may be a little tricky. Make sure you don't stress the negative aspects, but highlight how you would approach such circumstances. 

You may answer by saying how you will try and understand the personality of your boss and find out their problem. You may proceed to say that after learning about the boss' personality, you will try and do things in a manner that will not lead to problems-like avoiding things that will enrage the boss and also consult other colleagues and seniors on how best to deal with such situations. In certain cases where solutions are not found, you may speak of consulting the HR of the company. This gives interviewers how much you are aware of availing company policies in maintaining a conducive work environment.


  1. What will you call an ideal work environment? Define in your own words

The interview panel often asked this question to find out the prospect of you fitting into the existing workplace, culture and environment. This gives them an idea of your productivity and to assess your contentment with the company. This will help them in their engagement and retaining initiatives. 

  1. How will you define motivation?

This is a tricky question that can be misinterpreted a lot of times. Make sure you lay out your honest opinion and that your answer should also resonate with the job position you are aiming for. You may also use examples and backstories that will make your answers more clear.

  1. Which other's impression would you identify yourself with-Being Feared or Being Feared?

Make sure you give your answer diplomatically. Keep in mind that the interviewers would prefer being likeable, a more ideal character, than being feared.

Brainteasers HR Interview Questions and Answers

Often interviewers ask brainteasing questions to test your common sense, listening, problem-solving, logical and reasoning abilities. These questions help them gauge the candidate's potential to work under pressure and their attitude towards such work stress. 


  1. Which one do you prefer- Perfection and late delivery of work or Average and timely delivery of work?

To answer this question, candidates may give relevant examples in support of their opinion. You may answer by saying time is essential and that no amount of perfection can make up for the lost time. For average work quality, there is always room for improvement and an individual can become overtime in their performance. However, time lost cannot be brought back. 


  1. In a day how many times does the hands in the clock overlap?

Remember, for such questions, the interview panel are not looking for the accurate or right answer. They are seeking to understand your capacity to analyze problems and your thought process for solving such problems. Before jumping on to your answer, take time and analyze your answer. You must actually analyze and show that you are trying to solve the puzzling question. Try and give your answer. Do not simply give up and say I don't know. This will leave a bad impression. 

Salary-based HR Interview Questions and Answers

  1. What is your salary expectation?

Interviewers bring up this question to assess if your expectation aligns with what they are offering or are willing to offer. Remember your worth and the quality of work you can offer if your expectation exceeds how much they are offering. You do not want to be underpaid. A competitive salary is what attracts talented and competent professionals. Hence, make sure you do not lessen your worth. 


  1. Can you tell us your current salary?

While this is a strategic question that most HR managers would ask to assess their budget and their pay offerings, it's important that you don't disclose your salary. Researching the current market trend before facing the interview is ideal. This will help you get a fair idea on the market trend and you can tell your expectation accordingly. 


  1. How much do you think your qualification must be worth?

Interviewers raise this question to see if you are aware of the market trends and learn how much you are expecting from them. Show your competitive side and show how much you are worth. Avoid being modest at this point of time and ask for what you think you deserve given your qualifications and experience. Remember not to undermine your skills and qualifications. Give reasons in support of why deserve a certain package by letting them know your skills and bandwidth. Avoid telling a specific amount straight ahead.


Those are some of the top HRM interview questions and answers based on varied aspects. Besides these questions, aspiring candidates may also prepare the following questions and strategize their interview answers based on extensive research:

Popular HRM Interview Questions:

  1. Why are you considering a change in your position/ company? 
  2. Why is there a gap year (s) in your CV?
  3. How much will you rate yourself between 1 to 10?
  4. Share with us about a time when you were dissatisfied or happy with self performance?
  5. Share with us your experience about a time when you had to work under close supervision.
  6. How in your past work experience have you demonstrated your leadership skills and qualities?
  7. Imagine you won a million-dollar lottery. Would you choose to leave or continue to work with us?
  8. How do you envision your dream company?
  9. What steps and measures do you employ to ensure the effective completion of a task?
  10. If you get hired long do you intend to stay and work for us?
  11. What animal would you want to be reborn as? if there was such a thing?
  12. How can you prove to be an asset to our company?
  13. Which one do you consider more important work or money?
  14. Can you tell us your opinion about working at odd hours or doing overtime?
  15. What made you apply for this position?
  16. What is Work ethic according to you?
  17. Can you tell us why you had to leave your previous job or Company?
  18. What in your opinion is efficient Human Management?
  19. Why are you interested in this specialization out of the various options?
  20. Are you applying to other companies as well? 
  21. What to you is a good leader/ manager? What are the ideal qualities a good leader must possess?
  22. Which one do you prefer between - Smart work and Hard work? Give reasons.
  23. If required, would you be willing to travel or relocate for the company?
  24. What do you think makes you unique and competitive from other candidates?
  25. What do you expect from the company apart from the monthly salary?
  26. What are the actions and steps you have taken for upskilling and upgrading yourself in the past years?
  27. Tell us about your role model and how have you been inspired or influenced by him/ her. 


That's about it on the top HR interview questions and answers. To have a solid preparation for your upcoming HR interview, consider consulting with peers in the similar field or seniors who have years of experience in the industry.

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