10 Reasons Why You Need to Learn Six Sigma Green Belt


Six sigma is certainly the most popular, well-known, trusted, and reputed methodology out there when it comes to business processes and project management. So very often a topic comes up that what are the “10 reasons why you need to learn six sigma green belt.”

Among all the six sigma team members, it is the six sigma green belt who is the crest jewel of the entire team and upon whom the functioning of the entire team depends. He is the linchpin who makes all the operations and projects undertaken by the team an absolute success.

One can see from this that it is very important to understand the role of a six sigma green belt in the workings of a six sigma team. One of the most important functions that a six sigma green belt performs is to reduce the waste generated by the six sigma team and the company’s business processes as a whole. He carefully analyzes the business processes and identifies the factors which contribute significantly to the amount of waste generated. After that, he sets about eliminating those factors systematically and with scientific precision. By doing this he makes those business processes more efficient and reduces or even removes the need to initialize waste management and waste disposal protocols.

Reasons to take the six sigma green belt certification -

  1. You will learn how to reduce risks and eliminate errors and defects within the organization -

A six sigma green belt has the responsibility of reducing risks and eliminating errors and defects within an organization. He does this by carefully analyzing the business processes of the organization and identifying components of the business process which can create problems in the future.

By problems what is meant here is that they may start malfunctioning in the future, or they may start generating toxic waste material in the future, or they may start producing defective output in the future. There are many ways in which a component of a business process can create problems in the future. Since the six sigma green belts have a lot of domain-specific knowledge about the domain in which the business or organization carries out their operations, they can also step in to assess the business processes directly in terms of how well they are performing their intended tasks.

For instance, a six sigma green belt can easily identify when a particular manufacturing process is going to produce defective output or when there are errors in the basic design of the process itself.


  1. You will learn how to improve the quality of business processes -

A six sigma green belt also has the responsibility of improving business processes in a company. He does this by carrying out regular inspections of the business processes and minutely analyzing their workflow and functioning. Since he possesses a lot of domain-specific knowledge about the business processes, their design, their setup, and their layout, he is able to quickly and easily detect flaws in them.


When he does find flaws, he quickly gets to work on redesigning the business processes in such a way that those flaws are eliminated completely. He then gives very relevant, pertinent, pointed, and helpful suggestions about the ways the business processes should be changed so that the flaws don’t reappear in the future.


He is also in charge of leading the quality control efforts in order to maintain the standards of quality in the business processes. This involves carrying out regular checkups of the business processes and ensuring that their performance is up to the mark and that the products they are producing are meeting the standards of quality set by the company.


  1. You will become valuable in the estimation of all industries -

The six sigma methodology is the most popular and most well-known methodology for business processes and project management and this is for a reason. The reason is that the six sigma methodology is filled with tools and techniques which are extremely effective at tackling a lot of problems that companies face on a daily basis.


Due to the popularity of the six sigma methodology in the corporate world, skilled and competent six sigma green belts are in very high demand throughout the world. Most businesses and organizations actively seek out the six sigma green Belt for their various projects and other ventures.

So anyone who possesses a six sigma green belt certification immediately becomes very valuable in the eyes of all businesses and organizations of all sectors and industries.


  1. You will be able to help your company with standards compliance -

A six sigma green belt also has the responsibility of ensuring that the products and services that a company offers are in compliance with the statutes of the international standards committees and the various regulatory bodies.

For this, he has to be extremely well-versed with the various documents concerning international standards that are published annually by the various governing bodies and regulatory authorities around the world.


  1. Companies will trust you with managerial positions -

A six sigma green belt is an integral part of the six sigma team, and of the company by extension. He carries a heavy burden of responsibility and a myriad of duties. In order to let him play his many roles effectively, businesses and organizations usually put him in a managerial position.

This is done so that he gets an eagle-eye view of the whole project and is able to lead and direct it effectively.


  1. You will get astronomical salary packages -

As we have mentioned before, six sigma green belts are in very high demand. But the supply of skilled and competent six sigma green belts who have successfully completed six sigma green belt training is very low. So when businesses and organizations do manage to lay their hands on a skilled and competent six sigma green belt, they give him astronomical salary packages in an effort to attract and retain him.


  1. This is certainly the most comprehensive certification that exists -

The six sigma green belt certification can be safely said to be the most comprehensive certification that exists. From beginning to end, it includes all the most relevant and pertinent topics from the field of six sigma in its course curriculum. It gives the learner a solid grounding in all the core concepts of six sigma such as statistical tools, DMAIC approach, DMADV approach, six sigma problem-solving techniques, etc.


  1. It doesn’t come with any eligibility criteria -

There are no advanced experience or educational requirements to get the six sigma green belt certification. This is the reason why this certification is so popular; because people from all walks of life can avail it easily.

The six sigma green belt certification in fact serves as a kind of golden ladder for the poor, the destitute, and the downtrodden. This is because they can use it to uplift themselves and improve their quality of life immediately. There is no bar or restriction to taking six sigma green belt training.


  1. You will be able to pick up many methodologies -

Six sigma green belt training teaches the learners many different kinds of methodologies such as control charts, dashboards, and governance structures which can be taken advantage of with the help of tools like affinity diagrams and PICK charts.

What usually happens is that a six sigma green belt is given a lot of different projects to finish successively. Over the course of completing all these different projects successfully, he builds a toolbelt of sophisticated tools and techniques which make the task of project management and business process improvement easier. With each new project the six sigma green belt completes he becomes more and more experienced and seasoned and consequently, he completes newer projects at a much faster rate and with much more finesse.


  1. It gives a very high return on investment -

We have mentioned all the different ways in which a six sigma green belt can contribute to his company. We have also listed all the different capacities in which a six sigma green belt functions in a company and all the different tasks that he is expected to perform.

Given all these different responsibilities that he has to shoulder it should not come as any surprise that he is paid an astronomically high salary. We can see from this that the rewards of getting six sigma green belt training are exponentially higher than the cost of getting the training.

This is why we have put forth the claim that the six sigma green belt certification gives a very high return on investment.

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