How You Can Learn Data Science for Free in 2022?


The term "data science" refers to a collection of methods, tools, and machine learning techniques. The main purpose is to find hidden patterns in unprocessed data. The demand for data scientists is at an all-time high in firms that rely significantly on data. A data scientist is concerned with extracting insights from raw data and combining them with various machine learning techniques to predict a future occurrence. The prospect of a data science career is exciting as well as rewarding, and there is no better time than now to get started if you want to be a successful data scientist.

Online courses can be a terrific way to learn about the important stuff promptly (and on your own time), from technical abilities like Python or SQL to data analysis and machine learning. However, you may need to make a financial investment to acquire the actual deal.

Whether you're searching for a serious deep dive or just a casual overview, we've highlighted some of the highest-rated and most popular free, short, and comprehensive courses you can take within the domain of data science below.

Where Can you Learn Data Science for Free?

If you are interested in venturing into this challenging field and wondering how to learn data science for free, this resource will help you. 

Let us first know what are the prerequisite skills involved in data science.

  • Programming Languages

  • Statistics

  • Mathematics

  • Database Management

  • Data Visualization.

  • Machine Learning

The above-mentioned skills are mandatory for becoming a data scientist.

Learn Data Science for Free - Best Courses 

Let's look at what order you should learn these topics in and what free resources you may use to learn them. 

Beginner's Machine Learning Course (YouTube -FreeCodecamp)

It might surprise you to learn that this course was created by a child. The substance and visibility you'll get here, on the other hand, are unrivaled. On FreeCodecamp's YouTube channel, this course is offered for free. Fundamentals of machine learning, linear and logistic regression, decision trees, boosting, hierarchical clustering, and other topics are all thoroughly covered.

Python - Data Science Programming Language

This course, sponsored by the University of California, San Diego, introduces you to a variety of sophisticated and open-source tools, including Python, Git, Pandas, and others. After completing this course, you will be able to make the most of enormous datasets by importing data, exploring it, learning from it, analyzing it, and visualizing it using Python tools.

An Overview of Data Science 

As the name implies, this course will teach you everything you need to know about the fundamentals of data science. This online data science course covers everything from defining data science to an introduction to regression, R and Python, and understanding applications. 

Tools for Data Science

 Without the use of appropriate tools to make the most of data, data science is meaningless. This online data science course will teach you how to use data science tools such as Jupyter Notebooks, the RStudio IDE, and Watson Studio.

Methodology of Data Science

One of the primary issues that businesses encounter is a lack of knowledge of the questions being asked and how to effectively apply the data to the topic at hand. This is the audience for the Data Science Methodology course. The course will teach you the key steps in approaching a data science problem.

Application and Framework of Hadoop

This online data science course is for you if you want to learn the fundamental techniques for wrangling and interpreting huge data. You'll be able to walk through real-world examples using the Spark and Hadoop frameworks. This online data science course will walk you through the fundamentals of Hadoop architecture, execution environment, and software stack over the course of five weeks.

R Basics in Data Science

This online data science tutorial will teach you the fundamentals of R programming. The course will introduce you to R's functions and data types before moving on to how to work with vectors and when to employ advanced functions like sorting. Because data scientists are also involved in data visualization and wrangling, this course is appropriate for them.

High Dimensions of Data Analysis

The course begins by leading to an extensive explanation of machine learning. You'll learn how to apply machine learning to high-throughput data as you go along. It's an intermediate-level course that covers topics like factor analysis and multiple dimensional scaling plots, among other things.

Codecademy's Data Science Path 

The Codecademy routes are fantastic for a variety of reasons. For starters, they dive in-depth and in an organized manner into a given sector, providing you with all of the necessary tools. Two, they're extremely practical, allowing you to apply what you've learned to real-world scenarios and tasks. Furthermore, they are created by genuine engineers in this case, a real data scientist who are experts in their field.

Free Online Course on Careerera

Careerera offers free online courses to help enthusiasts advance in their career paths. Learn how to collect, clean, analyze, and report data using the lens of a data scientist. Careerera offers one of the most well-established online data science courses available. You can also go for the paid courses if you can afford them. 

The specialization consists of over 10 different courses including Data science Fundamental, Scrum fundamental, Time series forecasting, data science with Python,  and practical machine learning applications. Students must build a data product that can be utilized to solve a real-world problem in order to complete the program.

The free online courses are your best fit if-

  • You're looking for a new challenge, this program is for you.
  • You are curious about data analytics and coding?
  • Thinking about pursuing a graduate degree or a career in data science, analytics, or public policy
  • In search of a solid quantitative methodology basis
  • Looking for econometrics, statistics, or coding experience?

That's all about how to learn data science for free. Also, keep in mind that certification will provide you with an advantage in the job market if you don't have a data science degree. Most platforms now offer certification exams, and many of them are worthwhile.

 The most important thing, however, is to constantly improve your abilities by taking on increasingly difficult challenges. The more you practice, the more data science expertise you will acquire. So, once you've completed these tasks, don't stop; instead, look for new issues to overcome.

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