Data Scientist vs Data Analyst vs Data Engineer: An Overview


It is no surprise that with data proliferation at the backdrop, data science is amongst the most prosperous careers and touted highest-in-demand skill in the current job market. Professionals with knowledge of data and the prowess to leverage data for driving business growth are rare today. Given this talent deficit, it is inherently natural for a rapid rise in demand for expert data science professionals. This phenomenon is poised to continue further in the future and at a much higher rate. The modern world today is run by the power of data. Organizations are grappling to hire the most efficient expert whose insights are critical for acquiring automated performance, productivity, and competitive growth altogether. 

Data scientists, Data Analysts, and Data Engineers are the key players pivotal to any data-driven organization. While they all fall under the purview of the data science field, they play different roles, providing varied expertise and catering to different needs, altogether enabling organizations to thrive. These roles are unique and distinctive from one another and cannot be used interchangeably. Enterprises today are seeking specialized expertise to cater to their specific needs. If you are considering a data science career, having clarity of the job variants and the differences between each of the diverse roles within the data science landscape is fundamental.


Data Analysts, Data Scientists, and Data Engineers are among the leading roles that have risen to prominence today. In this blog, we shall thoroughly explore how each of these roles differs from one another. We shall learn each of the specialized roles by going into detail about their roles, responsibilities, skills required, career prospects, and earning potential. 

What is the difference between Data Scientist vs. Data Analyst vs. Data Engineer?

Data Scientist

Data scientists are experts who dominate the world of data and big data. They are highly adept at computer science and mathematics, and this powerful combination of knowledge and skills makes them competent in wrangling and digging the virtual gold mine needed by every business today. Enterprises today rely on the valuable data-driven insights that data scientist offers, generated by sifting through enormous amounts of data. 

The job of a data scientist entails fetching data from diverse sources, analyzing them, and learning about the organization's performance by deploying analytical and statistical tools and techniques. Neural networks, clustering, decision trees, etc are some of the advanced data techniques and tools that data scientists employ to derive business insights. Ideally, as a data scientist, one must be adept at data handling, statistics, and machine learning. The goal of a data scientist is to help organizations analyze trends, give them insights to make better business decisions, and develop solutions tailored to their unique requirements. These professionals are competent at influencing the way businesses tackle their unique challenges, as they have high business sense and excellent communication skills. 

Roles and Responsibilities of a Data Scientist: Cruz of what data scientists do at their job

  • Sifting through data sources and data mining to extract actionable information
  • Selecting features, developing and optimizing classifiers by employing machine learning tools
  • Preprocessing of data, both structured and unstructured
  • Improving procedures for collecting data for covering all relevant information in developing analytic systems
  • Process, Clean, and validate the data integrity before its analysis
  • Finding patterns and solutions by analyzing enormous amounts of data
  • Develop ML algorithms and prediction systems
  • Presenting analytical results with clarity
  • Initiate strategies and solutions for businesses to effectively tackle unique challenges
  • Associate with the IT team

Skill sets required for Data Scientist 

Data scientists are relevant across industries because of their extensive skill sets and competencies. The following are the must-have skills and qualifications of a data scientist:

  • Programming Skills: Statistical programming languages are fundamental. The popular ones include Python and R. Additionally they must be adept at database query languages including the likes of SQL, Pig, Hive, Scala C++, Java, etc. 
  • Strong Arithmetic and Statistics: Must have a solid knowledge of linear algebra multivariable calculus for tasks that involve prediction and algorithm optimization techniques. In addition, a good foundation in statistics is core for data scientists as the job demands proficiency in statistical tests, regression, distributions, estimators, etc. 
  • Must be adept at machine learning and the relevant ML methods including Decision Forests, Naive Bayes, SVM, K- Nearest Neighbours, etc. 
  • Data Wrangling:  Proficient at handling and tackling challenges in data
  • Data Visualization: Must be skilled at visualizing data into appealing information and the various tools like Tableau, Matplotlib, d3.js., ggplot, etc. 
  • Must have impressive communication skills to interpret technical terms to a non-technical audience
  • A background in Software engineering or a degree in engineering or computer science or a relevant field
  • Adept at data science tools
  • Problem-solving abilities

Data Analysts

Like the rise in prominence of data scientists, data analysts are another popular set of professionals armed with the specialization of translating numeric data into comprehensible information for businesses or any organization driven by data. The arrival of big data in the scene has given rise to the massive demand for data analytical skills as they help in the interpretation of complex data across industries. These professionals are proficient in diverse areas including managing and handling data, programming languages, reporting, and modelling. Their job entails systematically collecting and processing data and conducting statistical analyses on datasets. 

Data analysts are tasked with the role of supervising data systems and frameworks reporting and ensuring the accuracy and integrity of data. They dig into raw data and offer structured information, which is then analyzed to extract insights necessary for driving strategic business decisions. They are also responsible for improving analytics and reporting and overseeing the performance processes for quality assurance.  

Roles and Responsibilities of a Data Analyst: Cruz of what data analysts do at their job

  • Collecting data from diverse sources 
  • Maintaining databases and data systems
  • Identify, evaluate, and decode patterns or trends from complex datasets.
  • Clean data and analyze system-generated outputs and reports to detect errors and rectify errors in coding
  • Convert data findings into visual representations like dashboards, charts, and graphs, to make them comprehensible. 
  • Prepare presentations and reports to inform the stakeholders about the findings essential for business decision-making processes. 
  • Coordinate and collaborate with other teams and departments to identify their requirement and aid in making informed decisions. 
  •  Improve processes by discovering opportunities.
  • Analyze data and develop actionable business insights by using statistical techniques. 

Skill sets required for Data Analyst

The role of a Data analyst cannot be understated in today's competitive business ecosystem. They play the crucial role of converting raw data into insights integral to driving business decisions. Below are the fundamental skills and qualifications of a Data Analyst:

  • Adept at the fundamentals of statistics and statistical software like SAS, SPSS
  • Mastery of programming languages
  • Competent at compiling, organizing, evaluating, and presenting crucial datasets accurately and thoroughly
  • Ability to derive actionable and valuable insight by critically assessing data
  • Excellent communication and presentation skills 
  • Ability to simplify intricate data insights 
  • The efficiency of communicating complex information to a non-technical audience
  • A degree in Computer science, Statistics, Information Management, or any relevant field. 
  • Excellent report-writing skills 
  • Adept at making interactive dashboards and reports
  • Domain Knowledge
  • Problem-Solving
  • Attention to Detail
  •  Critical Thinking

Data Engineers

These professionals are experts who work as an intermediary between data scientists and data analysts. The job of a data engineer entails preparing datasets for analytical purposes.  They can be rightly called the architects of data pipelines. Data Engineers collect, organize, and deliver data to multiple stakeholders in the organization. They are vital for organizational operations as they are behind the scenes, ensuring the collection of data and making them proper and usable for analysis. Organizations are equipped with the power to effectively leverage their data because of the services rendered by data engineers. They build, maintain, and sort the infrastructure of an organization allowing effective data exploitation. Essentially, these experts act as the mediator between actionable insights and raw data, on which data-driven organizations rely for their growth and advancements. 

Roles and Responsibilities of a Data Scientist: Cruz of what data engineers do at their job

  • Integrating data from across diverse sources including streaming sources, APIs, databases, external data providers, etc. 
  • Designing and employing effective data pipelines for rendering smooth data transmission to storage systems or data warehouses. 
  • Storing and managing data by selecting appropriate database systems
  • Optimizing data schemas
  • Ensuring the quality and integrity of data
  • Converting data into a suitable format by using ETL pipelines
  • Efficient processing and analyzing massive datasets by working with big data technologies
  • Developing scalable and cost-effective data solutions by leveraging cloud computing
  • Ensuring fault tolerance by deploying distributed systems architecture
  • Analyzing data in real-time using streaming technologies like Apache Kafka
  • Writing queries on data

Skills Required for a Data Engineer

  • Knowledge of programming languages for building data pipelines, converting data, and automating data workflows.
  • In-depth knowledge of relational databases 
  • Familiarity with big data technologies for analyzing large datasets
  • Adept at ETL tools for
  • Skilled at cloud computing and capable of deploying and managing data solutions in the cloud. 
  • Proficient at distributed systems concepts necessary for designing fault-tolerant and scalable data architectures.
  • Efficient at working with a data warehouse
  • Capable of building complex business database systems
  • Well-versed with operating systems like Windows, Solaris, Linux, and UNIX

Salary Structure: Data Scientist vs. Data Analyst vs. Data Engineer

We have observed from the above discussion that each of the professions- Data Scientist, Data Analyst, and Data Engineer, are different job titles and play varying roles in the organization. They also have specified training and education, with few similarities. 
Given the specificity of the job roles and their relevance across industries, these professionals are paid varying salaries by employers.

  • Data Scientist: A data scientist in the current job market makes an average yearly salary of   $123,255 in the United States.
  • Data Analyst: The US job market currently offers an annual salary ranging from  $70,864.26  to $168,104.25
  • Data Engineer: Data Engineers may expect to earn an annual average salary of $1,31,192 per year in the United States

Potential Employers: Data Scientist vs. Data Analyst vs. Data Engineer

Given the differences in roles and responsibilities, data scientists, analysts or engineer caters to varied industry needs. Having a comprehensive idea of which companies are likely to hire you will make your job hunt easier. Let's highlight the prospective employers that will hire as per their organizational requirements:

Data Scientists Prospect Hiring Companies

  • Facebook 
  • Citibank
  • Intel
  • Amazon
  • Schneider
  • S&P Global
  • Moody’s

Data Analyst Prospective Hiring Companies

  • Infosys
  • 24/7
  • Oracle
  • Southwest
  • Walmart
  • VISA
  • Capital One
  • Credit Suisse

Data Engineer Potential Hiring Companies

  • Google
  • Apple 
  • Cognizant
  • Spotify
  • Microsoft
  • AT&T 
  • Intel 
  • Amazon

Summarizing their Differences

We can summarize their differences in the following points:


  • Data Scientist:  To provide organizations with a futuristic display of data.
  • Data Analyst: To provide technical analysis of data.
  • Data Engineer: To continuously enhance the organization's techniques of data consumption.


  • Data Scientist: Fetching data from varied sources and analyzing them by using advanced techniques and tools
  • Data Analyst:  Analysing data and interpreting them in a way that can be understood by everyone
  • Data Engineer: Developing and maintaining the necessary tools and techniques for collecting and storing large datasets.

Daily Tasks

  • Data Scientist: Renders data learning whether supervised or unsupervised, data classification and regression by exploiting neural networks and machine learning.
  • Data Analyst: Clean, organize, analyze, and visualize data to provide an understandable interpretation of the analysis. 
  • Data Engineer: Converting data in an appropriate format to make it available, and applicable, and maintain them by using optimized ML algorithms 

Skills Required

  • Data Scientist: Database − Hadoop, SQL, Big Data − R, SAS, Pig, Python, Apache Spark, and Programming: Perl, Java,
  • Data Analyst: Database: Hive, Hadoop, MapReduce, and Big Data − Pig
  • Data Engineer: Big Data − SAS, SAS Miner, R, Python

Building a career in Data Science

Data science is an all-encompassing term that covers diverse roles and activities classified under varied professions. Several other roles are also pertinent in the field of data science, opening doors to promising career opportunities. To break into any of these professional career paths, fulfilling the fundamental educational requirement is the primary step that an aspirant must take. Along with that, one must have the clarity of the differences in the professional roles and their relevant perks. Hence, specializing in the field that resonates best with your interests and potential is key to embarking on any of these data science professions. 

The data science field is going to witness even more tumultuous growth, which also signifies a higher demand for expert professionals in the coming years. Building a career in data science would mean becoming a part of the revolutionary transition the world is en route to. Start your journey today and build a future-proof career. 

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