Advantages and Disadvantages of Python


In today's world, Python is among the most well-known programming languages. It has carved its standard of being one of the fastest-growing programming languages in the world. It's versatile, adaptable, very effective, and simple to use and develop. It also has a very active community. This means that the top minds in the field will rally behind the new language's adoption. It is employed in a variety of companies due to its support for diverse programming paradigms and automatic memory management capabilities. Python is sometimes described as a battery-included language because of its extensive standard library.

advantages and disadvantages of python

Let us talk about the manifold advantages of Pythonans what advances Python has brought about in the programming and web development world. We shall also be delving into the disadvantage of python to have a border grasp of Python and its utility.

What are the Advantages of Python

Before we dive into the crucial advantages of python, let us in a nutshell give a brief description of Python.  

Python explained

Python, as mentioned earlier is a programming language with the features of being, dynamic, high-level, interpreted and developed for general purpose. Python's architectural structure emphasizes the readability of code and uses indentation substantially. 

Python has the requirement of fewer steps unlike other programming languages like Java and C. Python's object-oriented approach and its design enable programmers to write logical and clear code for both small and large-scale applications.

Python was invented by Guido Van Rossum and was originally released on February 20th, 1991. Monty Python's Flying Circus, a classic comedic sketch show that used to air on BBC television, inspired the language.

Guido Van Rossum described his goals for Python in 1999. They were as follows:

  • Python should be suitable for normal day-to-day tasks. It should also take less time to create.

  • It should be an easy-to-understand code. It should be as straightforward and straightforward as the English language.

  • Python should be open source so that anyone can contribute to its development.

Advantages of Python

Simple to use and to learn: Python is easy to learn even for novices. It is a high-level dynamic programming language with a syntax that's similar to English. These factors account for the developers' ease and simplicity of learning and adoption. In Python, compared to Java and C, the same work can be accomplished with fewer lines of code.  The principles of Python allow for faster execution in comparison to other languages given its ease of understanding.

Increased efficiency: Python is a very efficient language. The simplicity feature in Python allows developers to focus and have the scope of resolving problems with the language. In Python, users are spared from doing more work by spending hours learning the syntax and behavior of the programming language. 

Flexibility: The versatility feature of Python programming allows the user to try new things and develop new types of applications. The user is not restricted from trying something new because of the language. Python is preferable in certain situations because other programming languages do not provide this level of flexibility and freedom.

Extensive Library: Python comes with a large library that the user can use. The standard library in Python is large, and it comprises practically every function imaginable. This is due to the support of a huge and enthusiastic membership in addition to corporate support. When working with Python, users do not use external libraries.

Supportive community: Because the Python programming language was founded many years ago, it has a mature community that can help developers of all levels, from beginners to experts. The Python programming language has a wealth of guidelines, tutorials, and documentation to assist developers in learning the language more quickly and effectively. The massive supporting community has helped Python grow effectively and at a quick pace.

Disadvantages of Python

Let us now find out the drawbacks of the Python programming language.

Slow Speed: Python is slower than Java or C when it comes to speed. Python is a dynamically typed, interpreted language. As Python is an interpreted language it entails accurate organizing and reading of each line of code before execution. This further takes more time and results in a slow execution process.  Python's dynamic structure further slows things down because extra work must be conducted while the code is being executed. Consequently, Python becomes a secondary choice in the event of the requirement for rapid acceleration. 

Memory usage: Python consumes a large amount of memory. The adaptability to numerous kinds of data results in Python's consumption of large memory. Python is not a good choice for memory-intensive tasks if the user wants to optimize memory usage. 

Mobile Development: Python is an excellent server-side programming language since it is powerful on both server platforms and desktops. However, for mobile development, Python is relatively delicate and is unsuitable for mobile development. Python does not have many built-in mobile applications since it is memory inefficient and requires a significant amount of processing power. An example of a pre-installed Python program is Carbonnelle.

Database access: Python makes programming simple. However, there are several complications when it interacts with the database. In comparison to the well-known technologies like JDBC and ODBC, Python is challenged by the setback of being underdeveloped and rudimentary when it comes to the interaction with the database and data access layer. This caused Python to be less preferred by large companies that require easy interaction with complex legacy data.

Runtime errors: Python users cited a variety of concerns with the language's design. There is a scope for the data type of any variable to change anytime as Python is a language that is dynamically typed. As a result, it should be tested more frequently, and there are mistakes in the language that are displayed during runtime.

Simplicity: Python is a clear and easy-to-use programming language, which is both a benefit and a drawback. Python users become so acclimated to its simple syntax and large library that they have difficulty learning other programming languages. Due to their intricacy, some users believe the Java programs are unneeded. As a result, Python has a very susceptible character, and users begin to take things for granted.

Summarizing the Key Advantages of using Python

In the nutshell, we can summarize the key advantages of using Python in the following points:

  • Python is easy to use and learn

  • Python features an extensive library favored by programmers

  • Python enhances productivity

  • Python is highly flexible 

  • Python garners massive community support

Web Development with Python

Python allows developers to create the backend or server-side of web applications. It also includes several frameworks and packages. Keeping this in mind, let us dilate on web development with Python. The various advantages of Python have qualified Python as the most ideal web development application.  Let us consider a few points why Python is ideal for web development.

Short Learning Curve

Python's popularity stems from the fact that it is extremely simple to learn. Python was created to be a straightforward and succinct programming language. Its syntax is regarded as the key cause of its readability. It prioritizes clarity above tradition. Unlike other programming languages such as Java, C#, or C++, which need substantially more code, Python achieves the same result with significantly less code, owing to variations in syntax. Python prefers indentation and natural English-like terms like "and," "not," and "none" over symbols and words like "null"  "!"  and "&&" rendering other languages less legible and complicated.

Python includes a wide number of pre-built libraries that developers can utilize to tackle a variety of problems, and developers can also release their own libraries. All of this frees up developers' time and energy to focus on building applications and solving problems that are unique to them, rather than on challenges that have already been solved.

Diverse ecosystem

When it comes to developing applications, there are a few frequent issues that developers confront. They must develop code to do a variety of activities, including data validation, reading data from a CSV file, and initiating a network request, among others. These are common and repetitive tasks. Many programmers wind up building libraries, which are collections of code that make it easier to complete specific tasks. These libraries are typically made available on the internet so that other developers working on comparable challenges can benefit from them.

Quickness of development

Python boosts development speed since it is simple to learn and understand. Python provides a large number of libraries, allowing developers to focus more on application development. Python's syntax and tooling help developers work faster. One of the primary aspects that have contributed to Python's popularity is its advantage in development speed.

However, because Python is a high-level interpreted language, it is slower than low-level languages like C, C++, and others, and it is not suited for the development of certain types of applications, such as device drivers, graphics software, and so on. Nonetheless, for the vast majority of software systems, development speed is far more significant than execution speed. As a result, Python has grown in popularity and is now widely used in numerous fields.

A sizable community

Python is used by a significant number of developers due to its widespread acceptance. There are many Python veterans and developers in the community that has been using the language for a long time. Because there is such a huge developer community, any queries that new developers have can be answered by pros with varied levels of expertise in the language, which can assist you in learning web programming with Python. Furthermore, because there are a big number of developers willing to help, the challenges that developers confront when designing applications are either already fixed or will be resolved fast.

Python is an ideal programming language as we outlined the merits and demerits of Python. It is imperative that one have a thorough knowledge before beginning a learning journey and decide if it is up to one's caliber.

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