Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Fundamental Certification Onliine | Careerera

AIMLF (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Fundamental)

Know your way around the AIMLF (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Fundamental).

Technology is trending at the speed of light. It has engulfed our lives like never before and today human lives are surrounded by machines that help us in making our lives easier and smoother. To imagine life without gadgets today is a nightmare and many of us would not function if our world becomes devoid of machines. Machines are an integral part of our lives hence a constant upsurge in the demand for artificial intelligence and machine learning professionals is seen all over the globe. The field is constantly changing and evolving and has created a buzz all over the globe. AI&ML certification has become a much sought after certification and demands for such individuals are not reducing any time sooner.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning deal with converting simple computer machines into compatible devices by making them acquire skills like thinking and learning. By acquiring such traits computers are transforming into ‘SMART’ devices that can achieve human-like perceptibility. This allows the computer devices to perform a given task without ciphering the commands.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning happens to be the need of the hour and getting a certification in this field may be the next good thing that may happen to you at the current moment.


Careerera provides you with a platform to move with your dreams by truly enhancing your skills so that you can achieve what you desire. 

The course curriculum is built in accordance with the trends ongoing in the industry thereby providing a contemporary learning environment.

Careerera follows an all-around approach as far as learning methodologies are concerned. The main focus is on the development of the participant throughout the learning journey.

The classes provided are in an automatic recording mode which is shared with an individual upon completion of every class if required. 

The curriculum of the course is designed in a manner so as to cover all important modules that also focus on the practical training hence providing you with hands-on training and learning experience.

The classes follow a comprehensible approach towards rectifying any doubts and queries associated with the zillions concepts of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

OBJECTIVES OF AIMLF (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Fundamental) Certification

Since the certification offers the fundamental module, it primarily focuses on the basics of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. It allows you to kick start your endeavours in the world of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

The certification gives you insight into the concepts and theories related to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. A thorough study of the terminologies and concepts related to the field are instructed in such a manner that you truly understand the crux of it.

The main focus of the training is to firmly build a base for your foundation which will further help you to master your skills and techniques. Once your foundational knowledge is strong, excelling at the advance modules will become as easy as ABC for you.

We are fully committed to developing course modules that are based on Industry-relevant concepts. This not only helps individuals learn but also focuses on their development as a whole.

No bombardment of dense and complex concepts and theories. The course lets you attain an understanding of not only what you’re doing but why you’re doing it thus encourages you towards AI coding.

ELIGIBILITY FOR AIMLF (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Fundamental) CERTIFICATION

Since it is a Foundational course, hence no strict prerequisites are needed. Yet, profound knowledge of Python programming would be beneficiary. Apart from this high school mathematics is essential and it would also be great to have a translucent knowledge of Data Science.

COURSE HIGHLIGHTS FOR AIMLF (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Fundamental) CERTIFICATION

  • A complete 8 Hours of training.
  • Complimentary E-learning kit consisting of learning material, sample papers and mock test papers in softcopy format. 
  • If you opt for Live virtual classroom training then e-learning module will be given as a complimentary service from our end.
  • 24/7 assistance over email is provided along with exam counsel and tricks to get desired results.
  • The recordings of the live virtual session will be shared for effective revision of concepts completed in the live virtual classroom session.

Program Curriculum

courseID =185

See which topics you will have to assimilate.

  • Chapter - 1
  • Introduction To AI
  • Chapter - 2
  • Python for AI & Machine Learning
  • Chapter - 3
  • Understanding AI Through Data
  • Chapter - 4
  • What is Machine Learning?
  • Chapter - 5
  • Machine Learning:Supervised Learning Basic Knowledge
  • Chapter - 6
  • Machine Learning:UnSupervised Learning Basic Knowledge
  • Chapter - 7
  • What is Neural Network?
  • Chapter - 8
  • Reinforcemnt Learning
  • Chapter - 9
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Chapter - 10
  • Time Series Forcasting
  • Chapter - 11
  • Introduction To Open CV

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John Carter


The Training Course Of The AIMLF (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Fundamental) with
all the Mandatory Course Requirements with Distinction.

Certificate ID:32480XXX

Certificate URL :
